Johanne Couture is from Brockville, Ontario. She has been in the transportation industry since 1994. She is an owner-operator leased to an Ontario based carrier and currently hauls liquid chemicals. She owns a 2011 Volvo 730, pulls a stainless steel tank, runs all lower 48 states and all 10 provinces. Johanne sits on the OOIDA board of directors. She was elected to the board because she believes that “to see things change, you have to get involved”. Johanne offers a unique Canadian perspective to the board. OOIDA represents 158 000 members in Canada and the US. Industry advocacy is an avenue where women can make great strides. As part of the Women’s Trucking Federation of Canada’s Board, Johanne would like to encourage women in the industry to exercise their full potential, take a chance by making a step forward. A mentoring support system is key to success.